Virtual Reality Benefits



Virtual reality : its power of relaxation

The beauty about Virtual reality is that it allows you to be completly immerged into a new world, a world created by imagination or a world (re)created by the capture of real images in 360°,  in which you can add the sounds or music you'd like to fit with it.

Applied to relaxation, one can easily understand how vr can help to achieve an apeased state of mind and several clinicals show how vr promotes it (1).

Let's take an example : your day at work has been really stressful today as you had to present in front a your board members an important project you are working on for quite some time and the feedbacks you were expecting out of it was not quite satisfactory. In the rush and excitement to present, you forgot a file at home with some key documents your boss was expecting to look at and made him angry at you. By driving back from work, you got stuck in a traffic jam and finally arrived frustrated and exhausted. Ring a bell ?

Dependig on each personal character,  it is not unusual to look for a calm environment to "wash out" all the negative energy from a day like this one. And / or a relaxing music.

Seated or laid down, with a dedicated VR headset, you can BE laying on a sandy beach surrounded by coconut trees, relaxing in front of the Grand Canyon,

OR you can be diving in a blue ocean, among colorful fishes and turtles.

Nothing better than real 360° images here for VR, and you can choose almost any place you would like to be !

I'd like to test !

Virtual reality and cardiac coherence ?

What is cardiac coherence ?

Brought to light in the United States, this concept is based on the correlation between emotions and feelings a person can have at a specific moment and her cardiac rythm : when you are stressed for example, your heart generally bounds more quickly and can have an impact on your thoughts and your reactions, sometimes quite negatively.

The goal is to be able to "rebalance" your state of mind (and of body) by breathing exercises to get your cardiac rythm at a normal level or at a level that allow you to gain back control of your emotions.

You'll find online many sites, applications and exercices to work on your cardiac coherence.

To benefit from quicker effect of the breathing exercises or cardiac coherence exercices, virtual reality is of a good help to guide and vizualize achieving the right cardiac rythm, particularly if the user can't connected to internet (staff in a hospital, senior residents in nursing homes...).

Thanks to VR4GOOD vr stress management services, you are guided through your exercices with a nice little helper : the bubble. While you breathe, the bubble moves along side with your breathing, encouraging you to keep calm and relax.

Test it and you'll love it !


I wanna test it !

Meditation thanks to virtual reality

Virtual reality helps you relax, manage your stress and emotions, control your cardiac rythm while you ARE IN a beautiful world, surrounded by calm music or a relaxing voice guiding you into your inner thoughts.

Meditation can become soon a reflex in daily routine, and can releave from stress and anxiety generated by difficult timings like the COVID-19 pandemic one.

While musicotheraphy (or music therapy) helps you with music - only sounds - VR from VR4GOOD adds 360° real images for a complete experience of meditation !

No more stress with VR !

Virtual reality is simple and accessible !

Yes, virtual reality is high tech and innovation !


No, this is not "out-of-reach" !

No, vr is not difficult to set up nor to use !

No, vr is not luxury.

VR4GOOD VR Services are customized to your needs : after discussing with our team about your goals in using virtual reality, a demo can be set up and a specific plan drafted to your timing and budget.

Even contents and VR movies are personnalized !

YES Virtual reality can be for you !

YES Virtual reality is accessible and customized !

YES Virtual reality is user friendly and easy-to-use !

Any question about our VR services ? Any comment or ideas you would like to share with us ?

Please send us an email.

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Related VR Topics

(1) Virtual reality relaxation for the general population: a systematic review (

Riches S, Azevedo L, Bird L, Pisani S, Valmaggia L. 2021. Virtual reality relaxation for the general population: A systematic review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

Credit images : Tom Fisk / Matteo Di Iorio / Nataliya Vaitkevich / Sound On / Rodnae production / Shvets production

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